I asked Artificial Intelligence to Introduce Me to Rod Serling, and Here’s What Happened…

I’m trying my very best to not open this piece with a predictable comment about how our dalliances with artificial intelligence seem like something from The Twilight Zone. The truth is, it’s something that I’ve paid very little attention to until very recently when the noise surrounding A.I. has become so loud that it’s hard to ignore.

Putting aside any fears about A.I. taking over the world, I decided to have a play around with one of the numerous A.I. chat bots that are popping up all over the web.

 After a few simple questions and instructions to get a feel for how best to interact with it, I asked it whether it was aware of Tom Elliot, the host of The Twilight Zone Podcast. It said that it was. The question isn’t as narcissistic as it might seem. The A.I. chatbot gathers some of its knowledge from the web. If I asked it to write a story and include John Smith the car mechanic who lives on my street, the chatbot wouldn’t know who that was, unless of course John Smith was an extremely famous car mechanic! But it seemed that my limited web presence at least gave the AI some kind of purchase, something to work with, some kind of idea to base a fictional version of me on.

So, having established that it was aware of me, I then asked it to write a script about me meeting Rod Serling. The results were surprisingly sweet. While there are large blocks of dialogue that are pretty much chapter and verse what even someone with the most basic Twilight Zone knowledge might say (“The themes and ideas that you explored on the show are still relevant today”), there was also some surprising aspects to it as well. Perhaps I’m projecting, but the fact that it knew what the hierarchy would be in a situation like this was fascinating. Him the legend, me the adoring fan. Him the humble celebrity, politely giving up his time to make a fan’s day by sitting with them, me the fan having his day made.

Who knows where all of this will go, but if nothing else it was nice to read something where Rod Serling and I were two living breathing people sitting and sharing the same space together and talking over a cup of coffee. To have him speak directly to me, even if it was a “me” generated in the mind of a computer was surprisingly affecting.


The Twilight Diner




We see Tom Elliot sitting in a small diner, sipping coffee and scribbling notes in a small notebook. Suddenly, he hears a familiar voice.



Excuse me, is this seat taken?


Tom looks up to see Rod Serling standing beside him.



(stunned) Rod Serling? Is it really you?



(smiling) Yes, it is. Mind if I join you?



(scooting over) Please, have a seat.


Rod sits down across from Tom, and they both sip their coffee in silence for a moment.



I'm a big fan of your work, Mr. Serling. The Twilight Zone has had a profound impact on me.



Thank you, Tom. I always appreciate hearing that. And I understand you host a podcast about the show.



Yes, that's right. It's called the "Twilight Zone Podcast." We discuss each episode in-depth and try to provide some context and background for each story.



I've heard of it. I'm glad to see that the show still has a dedicated following after all these years.



Absolutely. The themes and ideas that you explored on the show are still relevant today.



That's what I always hoped for. I wanted the show to make people think and question the world around them.



And you certainly achieved that. You were able to tell stories that were entertaining, thought-provoking, and sometimes even frightening.



Well, that was the goal. I always tried to create stories that would stick with people, that would make them reflect on their own lives and experiences.



And you succeeded, beyond a doubt. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Serling.



Please, call me Rod. And it's great to meet you as well, Tom. It's always nice to meet a fellow Twilight Zone enthusiast.



(smiling) I couldn't agree more.


Rod and Tom continue chatting, discussing various episodes and sharing their thoughts on the show. As they finish their coffee and say their goodbyes, Tom can't help but feel grateful for the chance to meet one of his heroes and share his love for The Twilight Zone.



After reading the story created by the A.I. I went to an A.I. artist website to see if it could recreate this wonderful meeting in image form. The results weren’t quite as succesful!



The Bard: Rod Serling’s Other Television Writer